There are three basic principles to keep in mind when interpreting Scripture. Surprise, surprise – the first is the Christological principle! Good thing we already did our series on Christology to set the stage for this!
Crucial Conversations 068 | How Do I Read and Understand the Bible? (Hermeneutics 101)
How we read and understand the Bible is about more than the Bible. It’s about life itself. With this episode, Peter and Kevin start a new series on hermeneutics, or, how we interpret things.
Crucial Conversations 067 | Is Critical Theory Christian?
Justice? Freedom from oppression? Emancipation? These are essential components of Critical Theory and they sound great. But are they? We need to know what they mean in the context of Critical Theory. We need to know what Scripture means when it uses those words. And if those meanings are the same. Then we can figure out if it is Christian.
Crucial Conversations 066 | Where Do Pastors Come From?
Where do pastors come from and how do I get one? How do I pick a church? And what happens if my pastor starts teaching something against Scripture? We bring in a couple guests to help us answer these questions today.
Pastor Peter Ill of Trinity Lutheran Church in Millstadt, Illinois and Pastor Merritt Demski of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Waterloo, Illinois join Peter and Kevin today.
Crucial Conversations 065 | When the World Demands an Answer
It’s in the news. It’s all over social media. Everyone is talking about it. And the World wants to know what the Church thinks. How do we respond?
Crucial Conversations 062 | What is Church?
In a time when we can’t “go” to church, and lots of online things are being called “church”, perhaps it’s necessary to ask what church is, anyway.
Crucial Conversations 064 | Christ’s Ascension was for you
It’s easy to skip over the event of Christ’s ascension. It just doesn’t seem quite as important as his birth, death or resurrection. But it is! Because he ascended for you!
Crucial Conversations 063 | Free Will is Slavery
We think of freedom as being able to do whatever we want. But according to the Bible, that’s actually slavery.
Crucial Conversations 061 | Pandemic Observations
Peter and Kevin talk through some observations they have about how the Church and the world have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. And the responses have not been as different as one might hope… Presented by Crucial Productions – Teaching you Christianity so you can pass it on. Support Crucial Productions – Got questions? Email them to Subscribe …
Bible Study @ OSL | John 7:37-52
Dr. Kevin covers John 7:37-52 today.