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Anchored In Christ 011 | Bloody Shadows

Last week Pastor Richard talked about signs pointing to Jesus. This week he talks about shadows pointing to Jesus! Specifically, the sacrifices in the temple. And once you get what the shadows point to, you understand why Jesus made a whip and cleaned house!

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Anchored In Christ 010 | Signs Don’t Point to Signs

The miracles that Jesus performed were signs. But signs don’t point to themselves, they point toward something else. What were Jesus’ signs pointing toward? Pastor Richard answers that question as he walks you through John 2 and Jesus turning water in to wine at the wedding in Cana.

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Anchored In Christ 009 | Come and See!

It’s a simple invitation that we often overly complicate. But when you recognize that both the Old and New Testament point to Christ, you can’t help but tell your friends, “Come and see!”

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Bible Study @ OSL | John 1:18

How do we know God? John 1:18 teaches that Jesus is fully divine and the one who was seen in the Old Testament when people saw God. John’s Gospel portrays Jesus as the one who reveals God.

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God’s Own Blood

Sometimes we’re tempted to divert our faith away from the true God who comes to us with flesh and blood. We’re tempted to turn to some abstract imaginary force somewhere in the universe that does things from time to time. But that’s not the God we’re looking for.