Since it’s Trinity Sunday, we get a primer on the Trinity while also studying John 3:13-15.
Crucial Conversations 035 | Creedal Lens
Last week we talked about how to understand the Athanasian Creed. This week we show you how to use the Athanasian Creed (or any of the Ecumenical Creeds, really) to understand the Bible!
Crucial Conversations 034 | The Longest Creed
You say it once a year. You probably roll your eyes and sigh your way through it because it’s sooooo long. But perhaps that’s only because you’ve been looking at it all wrong. What if the Athanasian Creed is actually so good that it could become your new favorite creed?
Crucial Conversations 027 | The Trinity is Confessed
How does one begin explaining the Trinity? And where do we look in Scripture to see it? By now, it shouldn’t be any surprise that Peter and Kevin are going to start with Jesus!
Crucial Conversations 022 | Divine Confusion
Much has been made about whether Christianity and Judaism have the same God. And if you don’t look at the question through the lens of Jesus, you will come up with the wrong answer.
Crucial Conversations 007 | Creeds…AND Deeds – The Large Catechism (Audio)
We’ve learned that we cannot keep the 10 Commandments, no matter how we try. Thus we need the Creed to tell us where to look! Tonight we look at the first two parts of the Apostle’s Creed – God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. Everything we believe is related to the three persons of the Trinity, so let’s study well!
Crucial Conversations 007 | Creeds…AND Deeds – The Large Catechism (Video)
We’ve learned that we cannot keep the 10 Commandments, no matter how we try. Thus we need the Creed to tell us where to look! Tonight we look at the first two parts of the Apostle’s Creed – God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. Everything we believe is related to the three persons of the Trinity, so let’s study well!