Sometimes we’re tempted to divert our faith away from the true God who comes to us with flesh and blood. We’re tempted to turn to some abstract imaginary force somewhere in the universe that does things from time to time. But that’s not the God we’re looking for.
God is Love
Love is primarily God’s action for mankind. Love is manifest in the gift of Jesus. And the focal point of Jesus is His death and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins. This is love. This is God. This is Gospel.
A New Beginning in Christ
In Christ, I know that ultimately even my dour predictions of the disappointing ends of things will be redeemed.
Reviled for Respect
The internet isn’t real. But it does have real life consequences. I pray that if those consequences include persecution and mockery, that it is because I confessed that I trust in Christ alone with gentleness and respect. And not because I did it with snark and disdain.
Hope is a Person
I have a hope. It is a deep, abiding hope born out of trust in one Person. That person is Jesus Christ.