We know we can’t influence our own salvation. That’s entirely up to God. But can we influence someone else’s? Can we be so winsome that they convert, or such a jerk that they reject the faith entirely? That’s the question Peter and Kevin tackle this episode!
Crucial Conversations 028 | Baptism Isn’t a Bubble Bath
There are many ways to talk about baptism. Some good, some bad and some downright awkward. And then there are the times we speak of baptism in a way that not even Scripture speaks.
Crucial Conversations 011 | When God Buries You – The Large Catechism (Audio)
In our Western context baptism is a work. An ordinance. Something we do out of obedience alone, but which works nothing in us. An outward sign of an inward commitment. And because we are good Lutherans, what do we do? Get triggered! “It’s not a symbol, it saves! It’s not our work, it’s God’s work! It’s not obedience, it’s grace!” But there’s another way to engage…without being triggered.
Crucial Conversations 011 | When God Buries You – The Large Catechism (Video)
In our Western context baptism is a work. An ordinance. Something we do out of obedience alone, but which works nothing in us. An outward sign of an inward commitment. And because we are good Lutherans, what do we do? Get triggered! “It’s not a symbol, it saves! It’s not our work, it’s God’s work! It’s not obedience, it’s grace!” But there’s another way to engage…without being triggered.