Crucial Conversations 045 | Did Jesus Ever Claim to be God? (Christology 101) Crucial Productions Crucial Conversations, Podcast October 8, 2019
Crucial Conversations 025 | Two Words Crucial Productions Crucial Conversations, Podcast January 15, 2019
Crucial Conversations 060 | Why Pastors? Crucial Productions Crucial Conversations, Podcast March 16, 2020
Bible Study | What should we do with heretics? (Galatians 1) Dr. Kevin Armbrust Bible Study, Podcast October 21, 2021
Anchored In Christ 012 | No One Decides to be Born Crucial Productions Anchored In Christ March 14, 2019
View Post Crucial Conversations 002 | You are Not God – The Large Catechism (Audio) You shall have no other gods. Simple, right? Clear, and yet we are so creative in finding ways to break this commandment.