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Anchored In Christ 014 | All Authority

When God speaks, creation bows to Him. When Jesus rebukes the storm, it bows to him and is still. Mark is telling us very clearly who Christ is and Pastor Richard is here to walk you through that account today, to help you see what the Gospel is pointing toward.

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Anchored In Christ 012 | No One Decides to be Born

You’ve probably heard that you must be “born again” to be saved. But did you know that you can’t actually do that? In fact, in the same way you had nothing to do with your first birth, you have no active role in your second birth! Nicodemus didn’t get it either. But here’s John 3 and Pastor Richard sharing what Jesus meant when he said we must be born from above.

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Anchored In Christ 011 | Bloody Shadows

Last week Pastor Richard talked about signs pointing to Jesus. This week he talks about shadows pointing to Jesus! Specifically, the sacrifices in the temple. And once you get what the shadows point to, you understand why Jesus made a whip and cleaned house!

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Anchored In Christ 010 | Signs Don’t Point to Signs

The miracles that Jesus performed were signs. But signs don’t point to themselves, they point toward something else. What were Jesus’ signs pointing toward? Pastor Richard answers that question as he walks you through John 2 and Jesus turning water in to wine at the wedding in Cana.

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Anchored In Christ 009 | Come and See!

It’s a simple invitation that we often overly complicate. But when you recognize that both the Old and New Testament point to Christ, you can’t help but tell your friends, “Come and see!”

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Anchored In Christ 007 | Twisted Scripture

The devil’s first trick, and some might say his only trick, is to take the truth and twist it into a lie. And while he may have succeeded in deceiving Adam and Eve in this way, his twistings don’t work with Christ!