Pastor Peter Ill of Trinity Lutheran Church in Millstadt, Illinois, is back to continue the conversation with Peter and Kevin about trust, this time tackling scientism, rationalism and modernism.
Crucial Conversations 017 | Trust Not Your Isms
It might be subtle. It might be accidental. It creeps up on you. One day you notice you have trusted something other than Christ. Or something else along with Christ. Today, Peter and Kevin have a special guest, Pastor Peter Ill of Trinity Lutheran Church in Millstadt, Illinois, to talk about biblicism, fundamentalism, creationism and fideism.
Crucial Conversations 016 | Trust
Trust is a fickle thing when it comes to us humans. We’re willing to trust anything and anyone except the one we’re supposed to.
Crucial Conversations 015 | The Rebaptism Experience
This week Peter and Kevin dig a bit deeper on what it looks like to discuss doctrine through the lens of Jesus by answering a listener question about rebaptism.
Crucial Conversations 014 | A Bible Reading Plan through the Lens of Jesus
Last week Peter and Kevin made a claim that the Bible is all about Jesus. Most Christians would agree with that, but sometimes the order in which we read the books of the Bible makes it hard to see that. So here’s a reading plan that can help.
Crucial Conversations 013 | The Lens of Jesus
Crucial Conversations is back! And we’re experimenting with a new format. But the best part is that this episode is full of Jesus. Today, Kevin and Peter talk about how we read Scripture. It’s all about Jesus, but it’s easy to forget that.
Crucial Conversations 012 | Whose Supper Is It Anyway? – The Large Catechism (Audio)
New Lutherans go through some difficult phases coming from American Evangelicalism. The first phase is accepting that this is more than a mere symbol. The second phase is figuring out how to tell their families they can no longer commune together. The joy of being united under their new confession is tempered by the division it has caused in their family.
Crucial Conversations 011 | When God Buries You – The Large Catechism (Audio)
In our Western context baptism is a work. An ordinance. Something we do out of obedience alone, but which works nothing in us. An outward sign of an inward commitment. And because we are good Lutherans, what do we do? Get triggered! “It’s not a symbol, it saves! It’s not our work, it’s God’s work! It’s not obedience, it’s grace!” But there’s another way to engage…without being triggered.
Crucial Conversations 010 | Prayerful Demands – The Large Catechism (Audio)
As we look at the remaining petitions in the Lord’s Prayer, it seems like we are presenting God with a list of demands! But last week we talked about God’s will being done…and NOT ours. So what gives? How do we understand prayer rightly when asking God for things?
Crucial Conversations 009 | What is Prayer? – The Large Catechism (Audio)
Do we really know what prayer is? Is it a conversation with God? Is it manipulating God to our will? Or is it a futile gesture that is nothing more than virtue signaling in a crisis? We begin our look at the Lord’s Prayer with these questions.